Hello and welcome back to Sunday Somewhere, this week coming to you from beautiful Bellingham, Washington.

Since Last Time:

Cabo was excellent. We spent most of the time relaxing with my parents near the pool, listening to music, and eating tacos at a lovely restaurant named El Paisa in downtown Cabo San Lucas. With it’s hot weather, cheap prices, excellent culinary scene, and clean air (outside of Mexico City), Mexico continues to top my list of favorite countries. I think we’ll continue spending time there for years to come.

A mama whale teaching her baby how to flop

Our flight from Cabo was smooth sailing. I’ve forgotten how wonderful it is to have nonstop flights to your destination. We strolled out of Vancouver airport just 6 hours after entering Cabo’s, refreshed from little naps and ready to drive an hour back down across the border.

Now we’re home!

And oh, does it feel nice. It’s great to see Reyka, an Ohio girl, fall in love Washington State more and more each time she visits. Sure, it’s cloudy and wet all the time, but it also has Tim’s Chips, Taco Time, and the ocean. Tim’s chips is a brand they have out here that is excellent, and Taco Time is an outstanding Mexican chain here that’s more fresh than Taco Bell but equally as good. You simply have to try it if you are in the area.

And… the ocean.

What’s next?

Work. Work. And more work.

To make money for travel, Reyka has a job managing social media for a nonprofit, I teach English online on a website called Italki, and we have Youtube, which pays us about $175 monthly right now.

We are incredibly lucky because together, these make it so we can stretch our trips unbelievably long, as our incomes are not tied to a specific location and we can work on the road.

However, we inevitably end up eating into our savings a bit. So, the plan now is to work and build up a nest egg which we can use throughout the next chapter of our travel. I’ll be working as a Traffic Flagger – boring, but lucrative. Reyka will be returning home in a week to spend time with her family and likely help teach Jazzercise at her mom’s dance studio. This will be for 1 or 2 months, but thankfully we have a LARGE build up of videos to edit from India and Malaysia, so we’ll continue posting new videos throughout this period.

Speaking of! We posted a new video!

Our India series is live with our first impressions of New Delhi. There were a lot of them. Check it out here or by clicking the rectangle below!

That’s all for today! Do you have any fun plans coming up? I’d love to hear about it! Just hit reply to this message 🙂

Love and Peace,

Wyatt and Reyka