The Craziest Guy We Met Traveling

We once met a guy in southern Spain who had ridden a bicycle all the way from Germany, a distance of almost 1500 miles. I know right?! He had dreadlocks, his bike was caked in mud and weighed down with luggage, and he was extremely soft spoken and relaxed. He spent most days biking for about 3-4 hours, followed by a few hours of foraging, dumpster diving, setting up camp, and working remotely from his laptop five hours each week. If you are wondering, “how did he charge his laptop and get access to the internet,” I asked and he told me how he set up a few solar panels each night to charge his laptop and phone.

In one story, him and his friend were deep in an Iranian desert on a highway when they started to get nervous because they had very little water. They had misjudged the heat, and they couldn’t decide between going back to the previous village or push on to the next one. When panic was close to setting in, a big truck came barreling down the road and stopped on the shoulder. They asked for help and he agreed, taking them and their bikes to the next city.

Why do I tell you this?

One, I think he is an awesome guy, almost like a spirit roaming the land. He is a staunch environmentalist, purchasing no plastic. And he doesn’t really spend any money at all. His only expenses are flour, phone data, and the occasional bike repair. Any clothes that tear he repairs with a sewing needle.

Two, there’s more than one way to travel. Sure, you could fly to LA. But you could also drive the distance. Or you could bike it. Hitchhiking is always an option. If you want to say hi to me, walk to Bellingham (near Seattle) and then Kayak, canoe, swim, or take a cruise down to California.

Lastly, he really made me reconsider what I need in my bags. Now, whenever the voice in my head says, “Oh, I might use that someday” about purchasing something or deciding to keep an already purchased item, my go-to choice is to not buy it / get rid of it. Not only does it remove weight and clutter from a bag, but it also clears mental brain space. Minimalism, the practice of living only with what you need, helps with the old maxim – own your stuff, don’t let your stuff own you.

We are currently spending valuable time with our families right now while saving up for our next big trip. Reyka is in Columbus, Ohio teaching Jazzercise and managing social media for a nonprofit. I am doing landscaping for my dad and grandparents while narrowing down a construction company to flag for. I passed the test on Friday (woohoo!) and hope to be working 40 hour weeks next Monday.

In terms of travel, we are looking at a few different locations, but we are open to suggestions. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been? Or, is there anywhere you’d like to see us go?

Love and Peace,

Wyatt and Reyka.

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