Hey Friends,
Welcome back to Sunday Somewhere, coming to you this week from sunny but cold Busan, South Korea. Yesterday Reyka stubbed her toe extremely hard on the door and she’s having trouble walking and my knee has randomly gotten sore. We plan to hunker down and recover for a few days, me icing my knee with frozen dumplings and Reyka remaining as horizontal as possible. Sometimes travel is like that. On the bright side, we do have some exciting news:
Our Travel Hacking Course is LIVE – https://skl.sh/3jBfkFF. You can learn all about it here: https://www.wyattandreyka.com/courses
And we have a NEW Website! – https://www.wyattandreyka.com/courses.

Now, What’s South Korea Like?
(1) It’s very similar to Japan. Similar foods, fashion, and high quality level of transportation. The one difference, I’d say, is that people here are a bit louder and more outgoing. Not quite the USA level of friendliness, but it’s notably more than Japan.
(2) Korean Airbnbs are unique. They all have heated floors, and instead of a bed, many only have a little sleeping pad you roll out on the ground. Whether this is traditional or simply a result of us booking the cheapest apartments possible, I have no idea.
(3) Korean Pears are delicious. They are everywhere in the local Korean markets and I can’t get enough of them. It’s like an apple but a bit harder, bigger, and they’re yellow. Here’s a picture if you haven’t seen one before.
(4) North Korea is hard to visit. As Americans, we can’t visit Pyongyang, the Capital, but we can visit a little building in the center of the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) that sits directly along the South Korean and North Korean border. Unfortunately, all the tour websites are old and clunky (and in Korean), so stay tuned if we can figure that out.
Goals for 2023
(1) Spend quality time at home. We went through a bit of a Youtube Identity Crisis a week or so ago. Basically, sometimes we feel unsure about the kinds of videos we want to make. We love posting travel videos, but we want to create things we find inspiring, rather than simple but easy vlogs like “Top Things to Do in XYZ.” This foundational change has been uncomfortable, so we’ve just been missing home a bit extra recently. (Maybe it’s the hurt knee and toe as well?) Reviewing 2022, we were only in the United States for about 2 months. In 2023, we hope to at least double that.
(2) Visit a new continent. The four remaining are Australia, South America, Antarctica, and Africa.
(3) 10 new countries. Caribbean island hopping is enticing. Maybe Northern Europe. Any suggestions? Just reply to this email! We’d love to hear if you have any recommendations!
(4) 100,000 Subscribers on Youtube. This one is, to put it lightly, ambitious. At the time of writing this, we are at 4,710, so we are a little under 5% of the way there. But, heck, why not try? Yolo, right?
Also, I want to mention that tickets to Country #14 have been booked. Just to create a little suspense, we’ll wait until next week to let you know where to next (Hint: It’s hot and starts with the letter “I”)
A Video to Watch:
Back in Japan, I attempted to become conversational in Japanese in 7 days. It was…difficult. Check it out here:

Anyways, that’s all for today folks. Go check out our website if you’ve got some spare time (to be wowed), and watch our travel course to get ready for 2023 vacationing! If you want to make my day, you can send Sunday Somewhere to a friend or family member. Every time I see a new person join it gives me a little shot of joy. Go ahead, give me shots of joy
Wyatt (and Reyka)